Currently accepting the following commercial insurances - BCBS TX (PPO) Only
Contact us: 409-292-3434
Currently accepting the following commercial insurances - BCBS TX (PPO) Only
Contact us: 409-292-3434
Seems clumsy or uncoordinated (taking longer than expected to learn motor skills, bumps into other people or objects in the environment, falls often, etc)
Difficulty following verbal directions or completing steps of daily routines
Avoid movement activities such as swings, slides, hesitates on curbs or uneven surfaces, etc.
Uses more movements and time than necessary to accomplish a task consistently
Appears to be in constant motion, fidgety, difficult time sitting still
Overly rough when playing
Difficulty imitating actions
Unsafe in community or at home
Fall more than peers or constantly have bruises or scrapes or injuries
Disruptive behaviors-impulsive, limited attention, resistive to new activities/changes in routine, difficulty moving from one activity to another, gives up easily, difficulty calming self
Look or tilt their head always to one side and/or have flattening of back or side of the head
Walk in a way that is different from other kids their age
- Not turning head or lifting head when held or placed on tummy for play
- Does not roll side to back
- Does not hold body up with arms on stomach
- Does not roll over back to side
- Brings toys and hands to mouth and middle of body together
- Does not roll back to and from tummy or push chest off floor when on tummy to initiate roll (should be developed 4/6 months)
- Does not sit when placed for even a few seconds (6 months with hands down in front)
- Does not get on hands and knees
- Does not attempt to army crawl on floor pulling body with arms and using legs to assist
- Does not crawl on hands and knees (around 9 months)
- Does not catch self with balance loss forward, or side to side (developed fully by 9 months)
- Is not able to sit without support or get into sitting for more than 1 minute
- Is not interested in standing or does not stand without hands on waist
- Is not attempting to step with or without support
- Does not stand without support for even a couple seconds
- Does not engage with rolling or flinging small ball
- Does not catch balance loss in sitting backwards (by 1 year)
- Does not stand well without support
- Does not attempt to get up steps (may crawl or walk with hand hold near 2 years)
- Is not able to stand up from floor with squat pattern
- Is not walking with more steadiness or change direction with walking without balance loss.
- Is not able to climb onto couch, chairs or into seat in car and turn to sit
- Is not able to kick or step on ball without fall
- Is not able to walk backwards or carrying toy
- Is not able to throw ball overhand
- Does not run or jump without balance loss (by 2 years old)
- Does not walk up and down steps without handrail (can put both feet on same step)
- Does not throw small ball with close to target aim underhand pattern.
- Does not stand on one foot for 1-2 seconds (about 2.5 years old)
- Does not walk on tip toes
- Does not throw overhand pattern (2.5 years old)
- Does not jump down large step with feet together without balance loss (around 2.5 years old)
- Is not able to jump/forward feet together
- Does not walk up stairs without handrail or 2 feet on same step
- Does not attempt to pedal tricycle
- Is unable to avoid obstacles with path change
- Is unable to kick ball 5-6 feet or catch a ball thrown to them
- Is unable to stand on one foot for 5 seconds or on tip toes in place
- Unable to walk narrow line without fall or step off
- Unable to throw ball over and underhand with target contact
- Is unable to do summersault/tumble over ground
- Is unable to skip or gallop with model of pattern
- Is unable to hit a target with ball thrown 12 feet
- Does not catch small or bounced ball with hands only
- Is unable to stand on one foot >10 seconds
- Is unable to complete pushups or sit ups (form not important but clearing part of upper body)
- Is not able to walk on tip toe 15 feed or more