Contact us: 409-292-3434
Contact us: 409-292-3434
Jobs of Children
Interact with people and objects
Learn skills to become independent
Participate at home, school and out In the community
Fine Motor Delays
Pointing or oking, using a fist grip, reaching for or grabbing for toys, using hands together to hold objects/clap hands, using utensils, pencils or scissors, not able to pick up small objects, difficulty playing with toys, manipulating parts
Self-Care Delays
Eating with utensils, drinking from cup
Grooming task (brushing teeth, hair, washing hands)
Dressing (managing buttons, zippers, snaps, tying shoes)
Toileting/Potty Training
Trunk and Upper Extremity Weakness(Shoulder, Arm, Wrist, Hand)
Drops Objects, doesn't reach overhead, can't hold bottle, can't drawl on arms or hold and hands and knees position; can't push objects together or pull apart
Difficulty using hands to play while sitting
Slumps in chair when writing
Leans on objects for support when playing or completing self-care
Decreased Range of Motion
Joint Stiffness, Hand Deformities
Abnormal Tone
Described as being stiff of floppy or flexible or using one hand more than the other or keeps hands fisted
Visual Perception (Brain Interpretation of what it sees)
Visual Motor Intergratin Deficits (Eye-Hand Coordination)
Difficulty Drawing Lines, Shapes, or a person;Coloring within the lines
Difficulty cutting lines or cutting out shapes
Difficulty with shape sorters, stacking objects, completing puzzles
Difficulty with handwriting
Difficultly matching, sorting, sequencing
Difficulty Tracing and Drawing
Difficultly recognizing colors, shapes, letters, numbers
Handwriting Difficulties
Problem with forming letters
Difficulty with letter size and spacing
Uses mixed case letters
Difficulty copying words
Messy Handwriting
Poor Pencil Grasp
Tires with writing Tasks
Sensory Processing and Modulation Disorder/Sensory Integration/SI Disorder
Not responding to or has unusual reactions to touch, movement, sounds, body awareness, visula input, smell or taste
Touch: Dislikes messy play, sensitive to clothing textures, avoids going barefoot, touches everything
Movement: In constant motion, impulsive, fidgety, fearful of playground equipment or activities with feet off the ground
Proprioception: Seeks crashing into things, falls purposefully, hand flapping, uses excessive force, is clumsy, bumps into things, leans against objects
Sound: Covers ears frequently or easily upset with everyday noises (Vacuum cleaner, hairdryer, toilet flushing)
Light: Covers eyes to light, watches spinning objects, avoids eye contact, waves hands or colorful objects in front of face
Smell/Taste: Smells objects frequently, picky eater with regards to texture/Temperatures, mouths or chew on hands or objects frequently
Motor Planning Difficulties; Dyspraxia
Difficulty Completing tasks
Difficulty coming up with ideas
Difficulty sequencing how to do something
Playing Repetitively
Not engaging in many different types of play
Poor Safety Awareness
Attention Deficits
Easily Distracted attends only to preferred objects of activities
Behavior Concerns
Overly emotional and difficult to calm, excessive tantrums
Difficulty with transitions between activities or changes in routine
Difficultly with behavior related to sensory issues
Social Interaction Skills
Poor Eye Contact
Plays alone for the most part
Doesn't Interact with parents or other children
-Developmental Delays
-Cerebral Palsy or Other Neurological Disorders
-Autism and other Spectrum Disorders
-Down syndrome or other genetic disorders
-ADD/ADHD or Learning Disabilities